Supervised Learning: Linear Regression
This will be a series of blogs that will go into depth about each of the different types of supervised learning available, some of the math and core behind it and finally the application of each of the Supervised learnings in Python!
So firstly what is supervised learning?
Wikipedia defines it as :
Supervised learning is the machine learning task of learning a function that maps an input to an output based on example input-output pairs. It infers a function from labelled training data consisting of a set of training examples
In other words, the training set(the data you are going to apply your machine learning models too) you feed to your machine learning algorithm which contains the desired solution within it. if you are trying to predict the price of houses based on square footage, location, number of bedrooms or any other multitude of variables that can affect the price of a house, you have the desired solution(the price of the house) in the training set.
Supervised learning is split into two branches:
- Regression
- Classification
For this Blog, we will be discussing Regression, and in future blogs, we will go over Classification.
Supervised learning: Regression
Firstly Regression problem deals with continuous output variables as opposed to Classification which is discrete data
Regression can be simple or Multiple which just means that you are using 1 vs many variables to make a prediction
Both types of regression work with Linear or Non-linear. Linear regression is telling us a straight line can best describe the relationship between the dependant and independent variable(s). and Non-linear regression is telling us the relationship can best explain using a polynomial method between the independent and dependent variable(s)
Linear Regression
Linear Regression is trying to map out the most optimum fit between our dependent variable(y-variable, which is what we are trying to predict) and our independent variable(x-variable, also known as a predictor because it has an effect on what we are trying to predict), an example of this type of Regression is trying to predict the weight or height of a person.
This is the equation for simple linear regression. we are trying to predict data point y(our dependent variable) based on m (the slope of our line) multiplied by corresponding data point x(our independent variable) plus c, which is where our line passes on the y-axis, known as our y-intercept.
When we are dealing with Multiple Linear Regression we are just repeating the MX+C for each variable
Now if you research online you will usually see this picture for the Linear Regression Formula, don’t be too overwhelmed, it is quite simple to explain it in relation to the simpler formula above.
Non-linear regression
Is when a straight line does not fit the relationship between our dependent and independent variables, in this case, we will have to use polynomial methods to best describe the relationship. A polynomial term: a quadratic (squared) or cubic (cubed) term turns a linear regression model into a curve.
We will see a good example of this in the Housing Dataset which shows that age of a house is not predicted best by a linear regression model but rather a polynomial represents it best as older houses tend to be sold at a high price due to it being seen as historic or Antic but as it gets newer it tends to decrease in price and then again shoots up in price as they get more modern.
With both simple linear regression and Non-linear regression, you can also perform Multiple Linear and Multiple Non-linear regression, which is the same, except you are taking into account more independent variables, which is saying that the set of independent variables instead of one will better explain how my dependant variable moves and will enable me to make better predictions about my dependent variable.
What a Linear Regression model seeks to do is to Minimize the Error between the predicted values and the ground truth value which we see in our Training Set. to do this we use Ordinarily Least Square, which seeks to minimize the Sum of Squared Residuals(SSR).
Before I go forward I want to explain what a Cost Function is. the Cost function is a metric which is used to evaluate the performance of our model, it measures the error for a single training example, while Loss function is the average of all the training examples Cost Function
Gradient Descent
Now you may be wondering how do we minimize the Loss Function? this is done through an iterative process called Gradient descent. the way it does this is by taking small steps in a direction using a learning rate(which can be thought of as how much we need to move by)and will keep doing so as long as the value keeps decreasing. to reach this minimum gradient descent needs to know which direction to go in and how big of a step to take to reach those minima. there is a lot more maths involved and this is just a basic overview of what Gradient Descent is
Finally, we use R2 to evaluate how good or bad our model is.
this is the formula for R2
Explaining R2 is best done Visually, this is an example of a Dataset that predicts price based on different variables, in this case, we are trying to predict the SalePrice of the House based on the GrLiveArea(Above grade (ground) living area square feet)
the graph on the left is showing us the Squared Error which is the error between our model(the line) and the actual SalePrice and squares those values
the Right Graph is showing us the difference between the Mean value of SalePrice and the actual SalePrice Value.
we need both to find the R2 of our model
Now you can see Visually What R2 value means. it is simply 1 minus the Sum Squared Error in relation to our Model, divided by the Sum Squared Error in relation to the mean
the R2 is just telling us how much of the variation in dependant variable Y is explained by the independent variable X in our Model, so say if we get an R2 of say 0.6, we can that 60% of the variation in this model is explained by that Independent Variable.
Regression and Classification | Supervised Machine Learning — GeeksforGeeks
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